Ginny Wilson

I am originally from Olympia, Washington in the United States, and I studied International Relations at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. I have been living and teaching in Japan since 1992, first in Niigata for 8 years and in Tokyo since 2000. I have taught at high school, college, businesses, and community centers. I have been teaching at The Japan Hotel School for over 10 years. I enjoy languages and learning about how language interacts with culture and the way people think. I think this is useful in figuring out the best ways to help students learn.
アメリカのワシントン州オリンピア市の出身です。マサチューセッツ州の Mount Holyoko大学で国際関係を勉強しました。1992年に日本に来て新潟8年間住んでいて、東京は2000年に住んでいます。高校、大学、ビジネス、コミュニティーセンターなどて教えたことがあります。日本ホテルスクールで10以上教えています。いろいろな外国語を勉強するのは趣味で、言葉と文化や人の考え方の関係にとても興味があります。こういうアイディアを使うと教えていることはもっと学びやすくなると思います。

部: | 昼間部 |
専門分野: | 語学分野 |
学科: | 英語専攻科 |
科目: | Fundamentals of International Tourism(国際観光論) |
Learning new things is always important, but it's also important to learn how to use the knowledge and skills you have. Many people are afraid to do something if they can't do It perfectly. This is especially true in speaking a foreign langiage. Instead,I think you should use what you have to do the best you can. Having a positive, polite, and open-minded attitude will go a long way in hospitality and communication in general.
As the current pandemic begins to calm down, I think there will be a focus on tourism in helping the world recover. The hotel industry will need to convey an image of safety and ensure customers that everything is being done to protect their health and to make them feel comfortable. The current students who will be joining the hospitality industry in the next few years will be an essential part of that.